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How To Apply Tea Tree Oil For Acne Scars

Using tea tree oil is an effective natural treatment option for people who want to fight the signs of acne on the skin. Acne often worsens as time passes and it causes a scar that is not beautiful. If it is caused by bacteria, then it is likely to spread faster to other parts. For that many topical creams that you can use to get rid of acne.

Acne often appears on the face, neck, even the scalp, or the upper chest of the shoulders, and appears on other body parts. For acne small will last only a few days, but in large inflammation can take up to two weeks and even more. Habit in the patient often scratch it, it will be bad, which will leave a scar.

The most common constraint is that usually, a prescription from a dermatologist to cure acne can be very expensive and usually only for short periods of time, whereas acne can recur any time. Therefore the use of tea tree oil for acne scars is one of the recommended skin care and safe enough used to fight acne. In addition, you can use tea tree oil regularly is an effective natural treatment option for people who want to fight the signs of acne on the skin. Acne often worsens as time passes and it causes a scar that is not beautiful. If it is caused by bacteria, then it is likely to spread faster to other parts. For that many topical creams that you can use to help get rid of acne scars.

Acne often appears on the face, neck, even the scalp, or the upper chest of the shoulders, and appears on other body parts. For acne small will last only a few days, but in large inflammation can take up to two weeks and even more. Habit in the patient often scratch it, it will be bad, which will leave a scar.

The most common constraint is that usually, a prescription from a dermatologist to cure acne can be very expensive and usually only for short periods of time, whereas acne can recur any time. Therefore the use of tea tree oil for acne sacrs is one of the recommended skin care and safe enough used to fight acne. In addition, you can use tea tree oil regularly to prevent back of acne.

What is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil is a natural remedy made from Melaleuca alternifolia plant. In addition, this oil has a fresh aroma, in general, this oil is pale yellow but sometimes colorless.

For the best use you should choose tea tree oil is still pure, not from purified results, and free of chemicals. If you are going to buy the product first, check the label to make sure that tea tree oil has not been diluted with the cheaper oil type.

Cleanse Acne with Tea Tree Oil

The advantages of tea tree oil have a lot of antibacterial properties. This type of oil is not safe for consumption but is good for use on the skin where oil is non-carcinogenic, so it is safe to use as often as possible.

Tea oil serves as an antimicrobial, where it can kill MRSA infections. In addition, it will be able to kill Propionibacterium acne that lives inside hair follicles that cause inflammation in acne. Other things this oil has disinfecting properties, can also have soothing properties, excellent when used for burns and burns skins on acne flare-up.

Acne Treatment with Tea Tree Oil

Previously to make tea tree oil we must prepare the ingredients below:

  • 3-4 drops tea tree oil.
  • 1/4 cup distilled water.
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar.
  • Small spray bottle

How to mix tea tree oil:

  • Pour all three ingredients into the spray bottle.
  • Insert spray nozzle.
  • Add cap.
  • Shake gently. It’s now ready for use.

How to Apply Tea Skin Oil Toner to Skin

  • Spray the toner directly onto a cotton ball, then wipe it around your face with a cotton ball.
  • Avoid rubbing toner around the eyes or inside your nostrils or ears.
  • Use toner anywhere else where you have acne, if you have acne on the back of your scalp or other body parts, besides your face, you can squirt toner directly into your hair.
  • Do not spray toner on your face because it can sting your eyes.

Facial Scrub with Tea Tree Oil can heal Acne

Then handmade facial scrubs can also provide additional effective treatments for acne. It can provide deeper cleansing, keeping the pores unclogged, as clogged pores are one cause of acne. Tea tree oil will also kill the acne-causing bacteria, while the oil in the facial scrub will provide soothing skin care.

Facial Scrub Treatment with Tea Tree Oil

To make it prepare the following ingredients into the bowl to make your own facial scrubs. Use of scrubs is recommended to be done during bedtime which is the best time because it contains two different types of oil, which can give nighttime humidity to your face.

  • 10 drops tea tree oil.
  • 1/8 cup olive oil.
  • 1/4 cup of granulated sugar
  • Small bowl and spoon.

How to Make Tea Tree Oil Scrub for Face

Follow these steps to make a scrub from tea tree oil:

  • Mix all ingredients in the bowl.
  • Do not mix too much, because you do not want your sugar to break up before you can use it.
  • Do not heat it up or place it in the refrigerator.
  • How To Use Your Tea Tree Face Scrub.

Following steps on how to use them on your face.

  • Rinse face with warm water first, and leave it moist.
  • Using your fingers, rub your facial skin scrubs into your face.
  • Do not put any scrub around your eyes, near your nostrils, and avoid hairline.
  • After that all over your face, gently massage around in a circular motion.
  • Continue your facial massage for two to five minutes, depending on the comfort level.
  • Wash your face with warm water until all the sugar is gone.
  • It does not matter leaving a bit of oil left in the face, as this will give extra properties and moisture acne to your face.
  • Pat your face gently dry.
  • No need to apply extra moisturizer.
  • You need to repeat tea tree oil for acne scars in one night per week.

In addition to keeping the skin, tea tree oil for acne scars can also be used to maintain optimal beauty and health because of the content of anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties needed by the skin.


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