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Showing posts with the label Types of Acne

Natural Ingredients of How to Get Rid of Pimples

Natural Ingredients of How to Get Rid of Pimples - Pimples are annoying especially if your job requires you to deal with a lot of people face to face. So, how to get rid of pimples using natural ingredients? Here is how. Green Tea  Many individuals drink green tea for its medical advantages; however, it can likewise be useful when connected specifically to the skin. Green tea contains flavonoids and tannins, which are known to help battle aggravation and microscopic organisms that may cause pimples. Instructions to Use Green Tea for Treating Acne Soak green tea in bubbling water for 3– 4 minutes. Enable the tea to cool. Apply it to your face with a cotton ball or spritz it on utilizing a splash bottle. Abandon it on for 10 minutes or medium-term, and afterward flush your face with water. Apply 1– 2 times each day, as required. It very well may be put away in the cooler for up to about fourteen days. Tea Tree Oil  It's notable for its capacity to battle microor...

4 Natural Ways on How to Get Rid of Blackheads

4 Natural Ways on How to Get Rid of Blackheads - Blackheads become one of the annoying skin problems. It is often regarded to decrease your physical appearance when it is seen closely. Dead skin cells blocking face pores due to excessive oil production belongs to a mild acne category. If you have that problem, you can implement some natural ways on how to get rid of blackheads in your face. Applying Tomato Tomato contains lycopene featuring antioxidant. It is trusted to prevent and get rid of blackhead effectively because it is able to prevent free radicals and leave dead skin cells blocking your pores. By applying tomato routinely to be a face mask, skin pores will get small so that the bacteria doesn’t penetrate easily to form blackhead or acne . To use it, firstly rinse the tomato and blend it. Then, apply it on your face and let it for 30 minutes until the mask is dry. After that, rinse it with cold water. Using Soybean The next natural way on how to get rid of blackheads ...

Chin Acne: An Annoying Acne Type in Your Face

Chin Acne: An Annoying Acne Type in Your Face - Having a chin acne in your face is very annoying. Despite disturbing your daily activities, the acne is decreasing your physical appearance so that it needs to be overcome. Basically, acne can happen to all people of different ages. But, this condition often happens to teens. These are some things about the chin acne to know. The Causes of Chin Acne  To prevent and get rid of the chin acne , you must know some causing factors. Despite having the hair follicle blockage in the face, chin acne can be influenced by several other factors. Bacteria Stress The increase of androgen hormone The excessive oil production in a face Consuming high carbohydrate foods such as bread, chocolate, and chips Consuming medicine containing lithium, corticosteroid, and hormonal treatments. The appearance of chin acne is influenced by the habit of touching face or chin with your dirty hands. The occurring risks of the chin acne can also increas...

5 Ways on How to Get Rid of a Cystic Pimple

There are many women having a problem with a pimple. The pimple’s appearance is sometimes unpredictable. It is surely annoying. There are also psychological effects together with the pimple appearance. The serious pimple type is a cystic pimple. There are some ways on how to get rid of a cystic pimple . Using Ice Cube  Ice cube is very famous for getting rid of some skin problems like a pimple, big skin pores, and acne spots. By compressing the skin with an ice cube, it can be an effective way to get rid of a cystic pimple. You should make a formula with this ingredient. Mix ice cube with lemon and honey to increase its benefits. Applying Antibiotic Drugs  A cystic pimple can be removed by oral drugs or antibiotic drugs that you drunk. The application of those drugs cannot be conducted carelessly. It must be under the control of the doctor. The antibiotic drugs are working inside to kill bacteria on the acne and heal the acne in a short time. That is why it becomes the...

The Best Ways of How to Get Rid of an Underground Pimple

Do you know what underground pimple and how to get rid of an underground pimple ? It is called an underground pimple because this pimple deeply grows under the surface of the skin. Usually, it is known as cystic acne . It happens if the pore breaks under the skin. Then, it causes an inflammation on the tissue. This pimple is not same as a standard pimple. Why? This pimple is really deep in your own skin. So, the way to treat it is perfectly different. You have to remember that you cannot squeeze this pimple. Why? Because it can cause a serious pain. It will cause a bruise and also permanent cars. Then, how to get rid of an underground pimple ? Let's these explanations! The First Step You can use a cleanser of gentle acne and also warm water to wash the area which is affected by the pimple. Massage your skin by using the cleanser for about two to three minutes. After that, you can rinse it and use your clean towel to dry it. Do this step once or twice a day. The Second Step...

5 Hormonal Acne Signs And Symptoms Checklist

5 Hormonal Acne Signs And Symptoms - ChecklistSurely no one wants to have trouble with acne . As we already know, that acne has many types, among which the most popular is hormonal acne . Hormonal acne usually appears when you are 20 to 40 years old, why can it happen like that? this happens hormonal fluctuations in the human body. These hormonal fluctuations lead to increased facial oil production, as well as clogging pores, and ultimately lead to acne. Here are some signs you are experiencing hormonal acne. Then what kind of a sign? 1. The appearance of Acne on the chin and jaw. One of the signs of hormonal acne is showing up around your face. This acne arises because these hormones experience excessive stages in the body that cause stimulate oil glands around the chin. Although the chin and jaw are the places where the most common occurrence of the appearance of hormonal acne, it does not rule out this acne will arise on the side of the face or down your neck. 2. Acne ...

Things You Need To Do to Get Rid of Moderate Acne

Moderate acne on your face can be very annoying. It often looks red and inflamed, and the worst thing is you cannot get rid of it easily. This type of acne will not disappear with some cheap over the counter medicines and it also takes long to heal. But you don’t have to be sad and worry too much about your acne. With these treatments, you can say goodbye to the pimples and get your smooth face back. Signs that You Have Moderate Acne To make sure you can get effective treatment, you need to be sure that the severity of your acne is indeed in the moderate level. Here are some signs of that you have moderate severity acnes. - It is quite stubborn that over the counter medicine doesn’t work, - It looks red and inflamed, but not as red as severe acnes. - The pimples feel painful. - There are more than 20 blackheads or whiteheads on your skin. - There are more than 15 red and itchy bumps. The Best Treatments f...

Treating Comedonal Acne

Comedonal acne is common problem for some teenagers but most of them do not realize and just consider this case as the ordinary comedo. Comedonal acne is the condition where there are some blackheads pimples appear into your skin. Then, what is the causes of this kind of acne? Treating Comedonal Acne Causes of comedonal acne There are some causes that can make you have the comedonal acne . First, comedonal acne can appear in any ages but it commonly appear during the teen years. It can be one of the causes of puberty and the effect of the hormonal factors. People who are in puberty might have changed their hormones. The amount of their hormones might changes and it is not steady. It might cause some effects into the skin. Then, comedonal acne can also be caused by the heredity. If some of your relatives and even your parents have this type of acne, you will get the high risk to get the comedonal acne. Especially, the one who has the type of oily skin will be...

Three Most Common Types of Acne Scars and How to Get Rid of Them

Acne breakouts can be very frustrating but it is the scars that we really detest. The worst thing of all is there are actually several types of acne scars and different type of scars will require different treatment. Eliminating acnes can be very difficult but the scars can be even more to get rid of. If you want to get rid of the scars, make sure you know the type of the scars first so you can choose the most suitable treatment. Ice Pick Scars • Appearance According to dermatologists, ice pick scar is the most difficult to treat among other types of acne scars. This scar is mostly small but it goes very deep into the dermis. But in some more severe cases, it is possible to get bigger scar holes. • Treatment The most common treatment for ice pick scars is punch excision. Skin graft is also possible by taking skin from other part of your body and put it inside the scars. However, if there are too many scars, which is usually the case, ra...

How to Get Rid of Acne Fast Using Moderate Treatment

What is acne actually and how to get rid of acne fast ? It is apparently the most common skin problem experienced by people. Facts say that there are 85 % of people in United State experience acne. What is Acne and How Can it Occur? Simply to put, acne is inflammatory skin disease that can result in spots and pimples. It commonly appears on face, shoulders, back, chest, neck, even upper arms. Though acne is not dangerous but it can make your appearance is less attractive. Some bad cases of acne even leave scars on the infected skin. Though it is commonly experienced by teenagers, but it doesn’t mean that you will automatically free from it once you leave your adolescence phase. Studies say that though people often experience it during their puberties, but acne can still happen till you are 24, even more. Another fact reveals that it occurs in 3 of every 4 people in the age of 11 up to 30 years old. Human skin has follicles. They are kind of small sacs that function to produce oily...

Knowing Acne Definition Means Paying Attention to Your Skin Problem

Acne definition may vary depends on the dermatologist, doctor, or expert that say it. Acne definition seems to be an unimportant case when you are dealing with the skin problem on your face. However, to know the definition of acne is as important as knowing what causes the problem. As many of you have known, your acne appears mostly because of some hormonal problems. When you are in your puberty stage which happens when you are in the age of 14 to 19, your hormones began to grow more and more. Not only growing more, the hormones will also be growing unstably. Knowing Acne Definition by Looking at Some Other Skin Problems on Your Face To look simply at what acne is , it is also necessary to look at some general problems that exist at your face’s skin. The acne will grow on your face because some general problems like the unstable hormones as stated previously, the stress situation that you sometimes have, and other things like eating some unhealthy food. Problems like that will ...

Knowing What Is Acne and Where It Will Locate On Your Body

What is acne remains something that people should know before they deal a little deeper about it. People should know that in its most general definition, acne is simply another skin problem. What makes it different from other skin problems is that the location of acne is on the skin of people’s face. People’s fear of getting too much acnes on their face should be gone immediately because after knowing what acne is, they should be knowing how to get rid of it. Knowing What Acne Is Remains Important Many dermatologists argue that from the cradle to the grave, there is always at least one phase where a person gets some acnes on their face. That is why you should never have to be worried when acne problems invade your handsome and beautiful face, because it is one thing you should pass through in your lifetime. As a phase you should pass through, having an acne happens generally when people are in their puberty. The unstable overgrowing of hormones in your teenage life is the beginni...