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5 Ways on How to Get Rid of a Cystic Pimple

There are many women having a problem with a pimple. The pimple’s appearance is sometimes unpredictable. It is surely annoying. There are also psychological effects together with the pimple appearance. The serious pimple type is a cystic pimple. There are some ways on how to get rid of a cystic pimple.
Best Treatments For Cystic Acne

Using Ice Cube 

Ice cube is very famous for getting rid of some skin problems like a pimple, big skin pores, and acne spots. By compressing the skin with an ice cube, it can be an effective way to get rid of a cystic pimple. You should make a formula with this ingredient. Mix ice cube with lemon and honey to increase its benefits.

Applying Antibiotic Drugs 

A cystic pimple can be removed by oral drugs or antibiotic drugs that you drunk. The application of those drugs cannot be conducted carelessly. It must be under the control of the doctor. The antibiotic drugs are working inside to kill bacteria on the acne and heal the acne in a short time. That is why it becomes the best choice for removing your cystic pimple.

Using Aloe Vera

The next way on how to get rid of a cystic pimple is using aloe vera. You can make your own aloe vera gel. But, you can buy ready aloe vera gel in the market. There are some brands of the gel. You can apply it regularly to fight for a cystic pimple. Try to apply it regularly until the cystic acne is removed.

Read: Applying Honey for Acne

Using Lemon 

If you dislike those above ways, you can try to find the other alternatives. You can use a lemon. This is a rich vitamin C fruit. You can use it to get rid of a cystic pimple. The lemon can be made of being a face mask. Firstly, prepare a fresh lemon and divide to be two parts. Use a half of lemon. Squeeze lemon to get the lemon water. Take a side. Mix a spoonful of lemon water with a spoonful of water. Mix it well. Apply it on the acne-area face. It is working effectively to get rid of a cystic pimple.

Applying Acne Soap 

The last way is applying an acne soap. The face treatment to reduce a cystic pimple cannot be separated from the facial foam or soap. Washing your face is important to remove dust and dead skill cells causing the growth of acne. Choose the best acne soap for all skin types to get rid of a cystic pimple. Those are the ways on how to get rid of a cystic pimple.


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