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Tips to Cure Acne Vulgaris

Tips to Cure Acne Vulgaris - Acne vulgaris is one of the skin diseases which appears because of an infection and inflammatory reaction in pilosebasea follicles. This type of acne is caused by the blockage of skin pores which is marked by the presence of blackheads, papules, pustules, and cysts, in some parts of the body such as a face, chest, back, and many more. Acne vulgaris usually appears during teen ages and it can cure by itself. If you are experiencing this acne, below are the tips to cure acne vulgaris.

Inflammatory Acne Vulgaris

Use Sandalwoods and Rose Water

The first tip to cure acne vulgaris is by using sandalwoods powder and rose water. Mix sandalwoods powder and rose water, stir it until it becomes a thick pasta mask. Apply the mask onto your whole face and let it dries. Once it dries, wash your face with warm water. This simple treatment is able to get rid of excess oils and stop the inflammation of the acne.

Read Treating Comedonal Acne

Eat Nutritious Foods

Fruits that contain a lot of Vitamin C are very helpful in curing all types of acne. This is why you are suggested to eat more fruits and vegetables. It will be better if you avoid eating spicy foods and oily foods because those kinds of foods can trigger acne.

Do Regular Work Out

Regularly working out is able to affect the health of your skin, including preventing acne. It is because exercising can get rid of stress which can influence the hormonal changes in your body. Do not forget to cleanly wash your face and body after you worked out so that the bacteria from your sweats will not cause any acne. However, you are not suggested to directly take a shower after working out because it will cause other skin diseases such as a ringworm.

Visit Dermatologist

If your acne vulgaris is not cured within 2 weeks or 3 weeks, it means you need a medical treatment. The dermatologist will give you antibiotics, gel, or try to drain the septic fluids from the acne. In a severe acne vulgaris case, you are suggested to go to a doctor in order to avoid and prevent further problems.

Do not apply any makeup on areas with acne because it will make the condition of your skin even worse. Do not forget to wash your face with warm water once you removed your makeup and drink more waters to cure acne vulgaris.


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